Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunsets and Dreams

I love sunsets. I will whip out my camera at any slight blush of bright color in the sky and take way too many pictures. It's an addiction, but for an addiction, I'll say it isn't that bad :). Here is the last sunset that melted my heart.


I wish I was deeper. I wish I was cooler, smarter, prettier, savvier, and had perfect skin. I've wished for blue eyes and blond hair, for green eyes and black hair... but my eyes are still brown and so is my hair. I'm still not as tall as I'd like to be and my feet are still big. I still get zits and bad breath and forget important things. I argue too much and I'm stubborner than a mule. But you know... I forgot that in this world of plastic people and airbrushed perfection, somewhere deep down we all want to be ourselves. We ask "Am I not good enough? Is this person I turned out to be different than what is supposed to be?" I've realized that I have to accept myself for who I am before anyone else can. Stupid right? Duh. But sometimes we realize things a long time after we wish we did. So now I can look in the mirror and actually recognize myself. Hey, that's my face looking back at me, hey you smexy looking beast- perhaps not that last part. But you get what I mean. Now that I know who I am, I can work on improving myself, INTERNALLY. Work to make myself a better person and the world a better place with God's help, even just by a little bit. Although I'm sure a tic-tac wouldn't hurt.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life is a fairytale..

Fairy tales are full of adventure, romance, beauty, and magic; why can't our lives be full of that as well?
Here are some pictures I took and edited to show that perhaps fairytale endings don't always have to be in a book.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Big Bang

So last week late at night, I took a pair of scissors off my sister's dresser, went into the bathroom and chopped off my hair! Not all of it, just the front. So now I have patchy bangs that I am actually LOVING. It seems to change my face (and hides a lot of unsightly pores on my forehead ;) AND it keeps my forehead warm. What more could you ask for? Here some pictures my younger sister took of me.

I love this one :)

If you don't know me well, I love hats. And jewelry. Like a lot :)

I bought the necklace from a thrift store for about $4. A tad expensive for a thrift-store, but it was Goodwill (which is an expensive thrift-store), and I loved it.

I love California weather. We live in the valley and it feels like a windy but warm spring day!


Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Is It About Those British Boy Bands?

British bands have been popular ever since the Beetles took the world by storm. Maybe it's something about their quirky characteristics or their cute accents that sets girls hearts a flutter. Not that I would know...I'm a bit heartless in the fan-crush department. No celebrity crushes for me haha. Although I'm not a huge fan of this genre, I do enjoy it now and then. Here are some of my favorite British-folk style songs.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Butterfly Girl

I haven't posted any pics for a while so here's one that I took of me and edited. I really like how it came out.

Although slightly grainy...sorry :)
I'm still learning!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Four Wheels and Hot Pink Gloves

So two days ago (I'm a bit behind on blogging, sorry!) my friend Emily texted me asking if I would like to go quading. Would I like to go quading!!!??? Yes, I would!!! I've never gone before and I've wanted to for a while. I've gone dirt-bike riding and I loved it, so I figured I would love quading as well. There is something about speed and immense power you control as you roar over the ground that just appeals to every bit of my senses...maybe I'm just adrenaline junkie, who knows ;).
My friend lives out on a farm with llamas and donkeys in the front pastures and vineyards in the back with plenty of room to zoom around on the quads. She had cautioned me to dress warmly and to expect to get dirty as the quads kick up quite a lot of mud!  At first I was a pretty cautious; after all, I've never gone before and I did NOT want my first time to end as a disaster, but as I got used to it, I started speeding up and really getting into it.
Imagine: a roaring machine underneath you, kicking up globs of mud as you speed down a dirt track! Emily taught me to do donuts (!!!) and soon I felt like I could go quading forever! Of course we didn't, we eventually went inside and played Wii Fit for the rest of the afternoon (which is amazing, I might add) but the feeling remained. The best part of quading? The hot pink John Deere gloves she gave me to use. I'm usually not a big fan of pink, but it somehow seemed fitting. It was a touch of femininity in the adrenaline-filled, speed-demon and mud-track world of quads that assured me that girls have a place in that world too.

Have a lovely day,

P.S. Sorry for no pictures, it's just sort of hard to take a camera out there.