Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunsets and Dreams

I love sunsets. I will whip out my camera at any slight blush of bright color in the sky and take way too many pictures. It's an addiction, but for an addiction, I'll say it isn't that bad :). Here is the last sunset that melted my heart.


I wish I was deeper. I wish I was cooler, smarter, prettier, savvier, and had perfect skin. I've wished for blue eyes and blond hair, for green eyes and black hair... but my eyes are still brown and so is my hair. I'm still not as tall as I'd like to be and my feet are still big. I still get zits and bad breath and forget important things. I argue too much and I'm stubborner than a mule. But you know... I forgot that in this world of plastic people and airbrushed perfection, somewhere deep down we all want to be ourselves. We ask "Am I not good enough? Is this person I turned out to be different than what is supposed to be?" I've realized that I have to accept myself for who I am before anyone else can. Stupid right? Duh. But sometimes we realize things a long time after we wish we did. So now I can look in the mirror and actually recognize myself. Hey, that's my face looking back at me, hey you smexy looking beast- perhaps not that last part. But you get what I mean. Now that I know who I am, I can work on improving myself, INTERNALLY. Work to make myself a better person and the world a better place with God's help, even just by a little bit. Although I'm sure a tic-tac wouldn't hurt.